The season of love is here again. A time to deliberately show love to our loved ones and treat them special.

Why Valentine?

Of course, the idea of valentine doesn’t mean it’s the only time to show love to others. It’s just a special day to recognise that people in your life deserve to be loved. And it’ll be great if you can extend this to other days of the year too.

If possible, make it a habit to show love to someone every day you breathe. It’s a good way to live.

Not a Valentine Love Calendar

This is not the popular love calendar you probably knew about; a seven-day arrangement that can serve as a countdown for you and your significant other until Valentine’s Day hits. The countdown is scheduled between February 7 (Rose Day) and February 14 (Valentine’s Day) and is designed for you to build a series of momentum for your lover until February 14.

Your Valentine Schedule

For the sake of this special season, I’ve drawn out a schedule for you to follow throughout the 28 days in the month of February, an opportunity and a guide to reach out to your loved ones, especially those you often interact with but hardly think about appreciating. For people like that in your corner, this is their month.

And even much more, the list also includes other people you hardly think of reaching out to on an average day, or people you do bless occasionally, sometimes as a duty, and other times because you just wanted to.

Note that this is a long piece of article of about 3500 words you mayn’t be able to read and complete at once. I’ll advise, however, that you save the link and visit this page every day of the month so you can have quick access to the article and make preparations for the next (or coming days as the case may be).

February 1: Your Mum

Give your mum a call and tell her how much you love her. I actually believe you should start these month-long valentine duties with her because you came to earth through her.

What exactly you’re going to tell her, only you know. But I’ll give you some tips. Amongst all though, remind her of how important her impact to your growing up is to you and how you don’t take her motherhood for granted.

If you have the capacity and time, take her out, buy her a gift or send her some cash. She deserves it, even though you’ve been doing that before.

If you don’t have a mum, call someone that’s been a mum to you over the years. It could be your mentor or friend’s mum. Give her a call or send an SMS expressing your thought on how much she means to you.

By all means, make sure this person you’re calling today is a woman.

February 2: Your Dad

Of course, your mum couldn’t have conceived you without your dad, so he’s the one you’re speaking with today.

Ideally, fathers bring out the best in us and teach us how to have foresight and make plans. Even if you’re estranged from your father currently, it pays to remember that he had a part in your coming to earth and deserves respect for that because you wouldn’t be where you are today if not for that.

And whether you grew up under the tutelage of your father or not, or even if he’s no more, you have someone you can refer to as a father right now and he deserves your special love today.

February 3: Your Sister(s)

We’re still in the family region, so give your sister(s) a call today and tell them how much they mean to you. If you have no sister, some women, of course, have been close and become like sisters to you. Reach out to them and let them know some of the values you’ve gotten through them.

Remember, a gift is always a good idea.

February 4: Your Brother(s)

Whether you’ve always communicated or not, today is a special day to place a special call to the brother(s) in your life, be it your sibling(s) or close friend(s).

It’s a time to remember the good old times and share memories.

February 5: Your Son(s)

Are you a parent with (a) son(s)? Today is his day cos you get to speak and spend time with him.

Whether your son is an adult or infant, pour your heart out to him today. Sing songs to him. Tell him how you felt when you (or your wife) carried him for 9 months. Tell him of your plans for him, where you’ll like to see him as an adult and some of the things you’ll like to see him achieve in life.

If he’s a kid, speak to him—whether he understands you or not—as though he’s an adult and smile as you speak. Remind him of how he should always treat people around him with respect. Pray for him and launch him into the world right there before you. He needs to hear those words. Don’t hold back.

Importantly, scout through the deck of thebookmarketng and find children books for him here.

And if you don’t have a son yet, reach out with gifts to a son in a family you know. By doing that, you’re indirectly investing in your own future son.

February 6: Your Daughter(s)

Do you have a female child? If yes, then she has your attention today.

Whatever age she is, you need to have a conversation with her, an expression of your show of love to her during the valentine season. 

Just as you prayed for your son yesterday, pray for your daughter(s). Just as you spoke with your son(s) yesterday, pour your heart into her. Let her know that she needs to respect others to earn others’ respect. Let her know how much you love her and how great you want her to be in life.

Because it’s also important, get a book from thebookmarketng and read to her. It doesn’t matter whether she can hear you or not. What matters most is that you’re talking to her from your heart and you mean what you’re saying.

February 7: Your Boss

If you work in a corporate environment and you have a boss or (line) manager, today is their day. Even if you disagree with him/her most of the time, today is a day of agreement.

A simple text message. A one-minute call. A greeting card. A handwritten note. Whichever way you think is the best way to show love to him/her. Do it today. Your boss deserves it.

And if you can, get him a gift, preferably a book from the store of thebookmarketng. Because you’re smart, I’d recommend How to Lead Smart People by Arun Singh & Mike Mister.

February 8: Your Colleague(s)

No one is an island, they say. That means whatever kind of work you do you don’t work alone. Even if you’re self-employed or you own a business, there’s a possibility that you collaborate with at least an individual to get the work done. And because I’m making you to spread your valentine tentacles beyond the shore of your imagination, today is your colleagues’ day.

Even if you can’t reach out to two or more colleagues today, reach out to one and let them know how working with them has been of value to you.  

February 9: Your Teacher(s)

There’s a statistic that teachers receive the most cards during val. And I’m here to ask if we could increase that number this month of love, because they deserve it.

Whether you’re a student in a physical school, an adult attending classes online, or you can’t even remember the last time you attended any class, your—present or past—teacher(s) deserve(s) a call, and if possible, a gift from you.

It’s even possible that the only teacher/lecturer you’re thinking about right now is the one that didn’t like you in school, the one you always disagreed with. Yes, that’s the person to reach out to.

(S)he poured out him/herself to you by teaching you. A simple appreciation will go a long way now.

And don’t forget, if it lies in your capacity, don’t deny him/her a gift, preferably, a book.

February 10: Your Friends

What’s a life without friends? It’s like a solitary traveler embarking on a solitary voyage. He travels alone with his boringness and with no one to share his moments with. No one to make histories with. No one to have fun with.

But you’re not like that because you’ve got a number of friends that have always been there for you in times of joy and sadness.

Perhaps, you’ve also had amazing friends who have walked through your life and whom you don’t hang out or talk with as you used to anymore. But you cannot deny that this friend used to mean a lot to you at some point in the past. And if you’re sincere with yourself, they might have been one of the channels for you to be where you are today.

Today, I want you to dig into your past and locate a friend like that. As long as speaking with them will not dig out an old smelly wound, call them and let them know you still remember and cherish the moments you used to spend together.

And if you have the capacity for a gift, get them one.

February 11: Your Employee(s)

Do you own a business and have one or more employee(s), apprentice(s) or trainee(s) under you? If your answer is yes, they deserve your special valentine love. Send them a card, a note or an SMS. 

February 12: Your Religious Leader 

Is it your Pastor or Alfa? Like soldiers, spiritual leaders put their lives on the line to teach and to see that their followers/members live the best of life, are free from all harm and are secure at all times. Here’s an opportunity to reach out with love and send them a thank you note for their labour of love over you.

And if you can afford it, send a gift.

February 13: Your Significant Other

Now we shall talk about the one you love and hold dear in your heart, for the idea of valentine revolves around your lover more than any other person in your corner.

Is it your husband, wife, fiancé, girlfriend or boyfriend? Whatever they are to you, they’re favoured to have been able to win your heart. I believe they deserve three-day attention from you this season.

Today, being the first day, is a day of cards, text messages and kind words. Be it one-on-one, via call or through chats, relate to your lover how much they mean to you and how important your relationship with them is to you. You may need to remind them of the good times you’ve had together and the good things you’ve achieved together.

February 14: Your Significant Other

I know you’re wondering whether I thought you have two s/o. No, it’s that same lover of yours you’re going to reach out to today again, because they deserve it. And today is valentine day, so what best way is there than to spend it with the one you love.

You may not be in the same town with your significant other, which is totally understandable, and which means that every moment you spend with them today will be online.

But hey! It’s Monday. And it’s most probable that work is on your mind right now than anything love talk. Hence, it’s my way of asking you to take it simple and have fun when you can, especially with the people around you.

But in the evening, a timeout with your better half is a good way to close the day, a time to appreciate the gift of love and spend quality and fun time with each other. And do not neglect the effect of gifts because they make the heart glad.   

February 15: Your Significant Other 

This is the third day we’re giving you and your lover together because they’re arguably the most important person in your life.

Today, talk about your goals and what the future holds for you. Even though it’s Tuesday and you’re busy, it can be an all-day conversation with chats and/or another timeout together in the evening.  

February 16: Your Mentor 

This is someone you submit to directly for tutelage or mentorship concerning your spiritual, career, business, marital or (even) life engagements. Just like spiritual/religious leaders, mentors challenge themselves personally to live a life worthy of emulation, from where others can draw from.

If you have a mentor who has always been there for you whenever you need a piece of advice or a push, they deserve your appreciation and show of love today.

February 17: Your Client(s)

If you’re a business owner or service provider, know that we’re not going to leave your clients out of this month’s show of love.

And if you look at it closely, everyone who buys a product from you or pays you for a service is a form of blessing to you, because they’ve placed their trust in you to deliver quality goods or services to them. Therefore, a simple message to them can help remind them that you care and appreciate their patronage. And if you want to take it a little further, you can award one or two of your best customers with valentine gifts. 

February 18: Your Neighbour(s)

Whether you live in a rented apartment or in your own house, there’s always a neighbour around you that you see every day or once in a while.

And because they won’t be expecting it, your show of love to them today can be a surprise to them to the extent that they start seeing you differently, even if they had a wrong opinion of you before.

This doesn’t mean you’re trying to buy anyone’s attention with gifts. You’re just trying to take advantage of the season to touch as many lives as you can.

February 19: An Orphan(age)

Because it’s the month of love, and because you’re interested in touching as many lives as you possibly can, it feels soothing and refreshing when you become a blessing to someone in need, for what is the good about life but for the goodness we experience in it and extend to others we’re capable of helping.

And that’s the mindset you’re entering this day with. A mindset that someone somewhere never had the kind of opportunities you have in life because they have no parents to give them an opportunity for education.

You don’t have to pick someone up and send them to school if you don’t have the wherewithal. But you can bless an orphan with a kind gift today, no matter how little it seems.

February 20: The Poor

Not every orphan is poor neither is every poor person an orphan. I believe it’s good to mention this distinction to avoid any ambiguity that might arise out of yesterday’s and today’s focuses.

Having established that, I will describe ‘the poor’ here as the less-privileged individuals you see around you, a person or family you reckon not have enough and believe can benefit from your goodness.

This is the person you’re showing love to today. A bottle of drink, a fruit, an amount of cash, for someone who is not expecting anything like that from you can touch the recipient’s heart so much that they can’t stop thanking God for sending you to them today.

February 21: Your Grandparents

If any of your grandparents is still alive, this is the time to recognise their impact on your life, for without them your parents won’t be here, and without your parents, you won’t be here reading this.

And when you speak with them today, remind them that it’s the month of love and you just want them to know that their life is an expression of love that has been passed down to you through their child—your parent.

February 22: Your Mentee

Whether you have employee(s) or not, it’s also probable that you have a mentee or a number of them.

If not, there’s definitely someone that always looks up to you for an impartation of knowledge or information one way or the other.

They mightn’t be your direct mentee or they might be. But the fact that they’re willing to drink from your stream of knowledge means they see a good quality in you that cannot be hidden. Today, you want to simply appreciate them for that trust they have in you to guide them and help them grow.

February 23: Your Landlord/Landlady

This may sound sheepish and unnecessary to you, but remember, we’re trying to fill the month with people around you, especially those you have a monotonous relationship with and hardly discuss anything else with. And I believe your house owner averagely falls into this category.

You never know more about people until you get to speak with them. This day may be an opportunity for you to know more about your landlord/landlady if you’re willing to take up the challenge.

And trust me, when you’re done, you’re going to be glad that you did it.

February 24: An Acquaintance

This is an individual that you only say ‘hi’ to from a distance. They fall into the category of people that would expect anything from you at any time, which means when you reach out to them with a simple gift, they’ll greatly appreciate it.

February 25: Your Role Model

This could be someone you admire for their lifestyle, business success, career success or any skill they’ve been able to master well. For you, anyone can fall into this category, a celebrity, politician or a successful entrepreneur you often read about or see on the tv or the internet.

Of course, reaching out to individuals like this can be difficult, since they’re often surrounded by people who will make it difficult for you to reach them.

But if you get their email, you can send them a message mentioning how long you’ve been following them and how much they’ve been a blessing to you. Information like this in the ear of individuals like this often serves as proof to them that they’re touching lives out there, which means your message will be highly appreciated.

February 26: A Stranger

Here’s an opportunity for you to go out today with the thought of blessing a stranger you never knew or met before.

And mind you, this is not strange, especially if you’ve paid for someone’s transport fare in the bus before, you’ve tipped the gatekeeper of a hotel or you’ve asked a groundnut seller to keep the balance after buying groundnut from her.

But whether you’ve done any of that before or not, here’s an opportunity to do it (again).

It could be your bus driver or conductor today, the vendor that attends to you when you go to fuel your car or a random woman you just bought a nose-cover from.

February 27: Your Benefactor

At some point, someone has shown up for you in time of need and helped you achieve something you had no capacity to have achieved alone. Whether this person had only helped you once or more than once, here’s an opportunity to send them your love and—possibly—a thank you note/gift for being there when you needed them.

February 28: Your Maker

Because God is the source of love and everything living, I consider it important that you end the month with special attention to Him. Whether you’ve always done this before or not, this is a day to offer thanksgiving to Him for His gift of love and life to you. It’s also a reminder to yourself that you’re trusting Him to keep you for the next 12 months when you’ll be having another valentine season.


Of course, following every detail of this article might seem overwhelming to you, especially if you’re a busy individual trying to juggle work with your daily life.

Also, except you’re a millionaire, you can’t possibly buy gifts everywhere a gift is suggested in the article. You just have to weigh your budget and get gifts for those you can afford to buy a gift for, while you place a call through or send a message to others.

So, here’s my advice. Don’t make this schedule a hard and fast rule you must stick to. It’s just a guide. And when you miss a day or two, don’t beat yourself up for it. Make the guide flexible for yourself depending on your schedule and preferences. For instance, you can call your dad and mum together (on 1st or 2nd February) and send them money to go out together on a date on 14th February or to cook their best meal at home.

I believe, however, that you can reach out to most of the individuals mentioned in this article, especially those you can call, text or even send (not a broadcast) a WhatsApp message to.

And remember, the bookmarketng shelves are full of books you can get for any of your loved ones this season. They have different books for different people and purposes. You can check through the shelves here.

Stephen Wholesome