Hidden Bodies
“Hidden Bodies” by Caroline Kepnes is the gripping sequel to You, continuing the twisted journey of Joe Goldberg, whose charming exterior hides his obsessive and deadly tendencies. The novel has garnered praise for its hypnotic storytelling and chilling exploration of obsession, earning acclaim from critics like Stephen King and Lena Dunham and becoming a global sensation, further popularized by the hit Netflix series.
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“Hidden Bodies” by Caroline Kepnes is the chilling sequel to You, continuing the story of Joe Goldberg, a man whose charm conceals his obsessive and violent tendencies. After the events in New York, Joe relocates to Los Angeles, hoping for a fresh start. With the promise of new beginnings, he meets and falls for Love Quinn, a woman who seems to embody everything he desires. She’s rich, charismatic, and seemingly perfect. For the first time, Joe believes he might have found real happiness.
Additional information
Weight | 0.5 kg |
Dimensions | 12.9 × 19.7 × 3 cm |
Author | |
Format | Paperback |
ISBN | 9781471192647 |
Publisher | Simon & Schuster |
Year Published | 2016 |
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