The First Law Trilogy Boxed Set

The First Law Trilogy Boxed SetThe First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie is an essential boxed set consisting of three books

  1. The Blade Itself – Introduces the chaotic world and memorable characters, setting the stage for war and betrayal.
  2. Before They Are Hanged – Challenges each character to their limits as they face deadly trials and dark secrets.
  3. Last Argument of Kings – Concludes the epic with intense action and surprising revelations.


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The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie is an essential boxed set for fans of dark, gritty fantasy. This trilogy redefines the genre with its sharp humor, morally ambiguous characters, and unpredictable twists, setting a new standard for epic storytelling.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 13.0 × 20.2 × 11.8 cm




Orion Publishing – Hachette

Year Published



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